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Breve biografia

Guido Romeo, an award winning science and technology reporter based in Italy


Guido Romeo is science editor at Wired Italy, the italian edition of the celebrated US magazine. Befrore taking up this position he’s been a reporter and regular contributor for "Il Sole 24Ore", the main Italian business daily, "Vogue Italy" and "Focus". On behalf of the European Commission he coordinated the Geod project (Genetics in Europe Open Days - as an initiative of the 2000 European Science Week. Graduated from the University of Bologna, he holds a degree in journalism from the Ecole Supérieure de Journalisme in Lille, France and a masters in communications. In 2004 he has been Armenise-Harvard science-writer fellow at the Harvard School of Medicine ( and winner of the Astra Zeneca award for science communication. In 2007 he has been assigned the Piero Piazzano science and environment reporting award; the Ordine dei Giornalisti (Italian national journalist guild) fellowship for reporting on African affairs and the Amundsen prize for coverage of Climate change ( In 2009 he has been awarded the Voltolino, Italy’s most prominent prize for science reporting. For “Nòva24-Il Sole24Ore” he coordinated “Città illuminate” (i.e.: enlightened cities) a series of reports and conferences on development and growth in urban centers investing in innovation and creativity. On “Radio24” he has been producer and co-host of “NòvaLab24”, the daily emission on research, innovation and creativity from Fall 09 to Spring 10.